Monday, August 10, 2009

The Cast

The story with the cast. James was sitting with us at a pizza place. He wanted to impress a little girl that was with us. So he wanted to sit on a chair further from me, so i let him. He was trying to sit the right way on the chair and hit the edge of the table. I saw him going down and ran to get him as fast as we could. I saw him hit his head, so i was very concerned. we were checking his head and it seemed fine. Then we noticed he would not put any pressure on his Left leg. Matt thought he did something to his knee, so we decided to take him to the hospital. After a few hours at the Hospital they finally took x-rays, thats when they found out he broke his femor bone. We were in the hospital all night waiting for a doctor to fix his leg. They wanted to make sure someone knew about children and how they grow. so after almost a day, they finally found a Dr. to fix his leg. After they fixed his leg we went to see him in recovery. He had this cast on that almost covered his whole body. It was so sad to see him like that. But he is a champ. It has been 3 weeks and he has accepted it, he has now learned to crawl, and is able to get from place to place.

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